Thank you to everyone that entered the giveaway from PuppyDogsNPolkaDots
The lucky winner was entry No. 27 lag123!
Another round of thank you's for reaching 300 followers too! I was so excited to see that HUGE number pop up!

Lastly, a plea for help! This week we recieved our Mac back from the fix factory. We bought it used for super cheap last year cause it needed work. Long story short, it got worked on for a year and so I'm just now starting to use it. To those who know something about mac, this is a MAC OS X 10.4.11 with no intel. I love this thing cause it's so easy to use but I hate this thing cause it's a 10.4 with no intel!!! If anyone can tell me if it is possible to upgrade to 10.5 with intel then I would write a bloggy love note just to you! (uh, not really) I would be so happy though. Any tips, software or anything else you mac lovers and users (since those are not the same thing) could pass on would be great too! I have no software on here and what I'm using right for photo editing is a trial, hence the watermark across the above picture. HELP ME!!!!
I'll be doing yet another giveaway starting tomorrow, so come back for a visit and a comment!

Hey Jill, you should talk to Johnn H. He is a Mac lover and user, and he is all things computer. Watch out though, once you get him going, its hard to stop, oh, and be prepared to take notes! :) On another note, for photo editing, I really love Adobe photo shop. I know its not cheap, but it is awesome! If you wait till November, it usually goes on sale for a great, great deal on or around Black Friday. That's when I got mine for $89 a few years ago, at the time it was normally around $300. Hope this helps some!
Oh, congrats on reaching 300 followers!!!
Jill--ask Johnn. He would be more than happy to tell you what you could do to make it go faster and all that good stuff. He also uses Adobe photo shop to do photo editing. I'm sure he'd be happy to walk you through the joys of mac ownership and learning to love all things mac!
Yeah, what M and L said. :-)
Lana M.
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