I often regret my hastiness but most times I am happy that I got it done in 10 seconds flat.
So, let me tell you about my pool house floor. Originally I wanted a beautiful white and gray checked floor. It was awesome in my head, but as I started to read about all the steps of painting a concrete floor and the price of it all... well I wavered.
Viola! Another one of my brilliant sisters mentions the idea of painting bricks on the floor. Hmmmm, sounded good. As I looked at ideas then I saw an even better idea, stained brick floors.
Keep in mind that this floor is very rough, very uneven and being that it is a pool house then it also gets very wet. So the whole painting thing was never a very good idea. This was so easy and I only spent $2 on it!!
I bought a run-of-the mill sponge from Wal-Mart (auto department) and cut it in the shape of a brick. Then I used some red wood stain leftover from the previous owners.
It actually looks better in real life and once its used a bit I think it will give it a more weathered, aged look.
My old peg board that I made has also found a home as well and seems to be enjoying himself. We use him all the time and he looks good with all kinds of things hanging from him! Next step, finish the trim and another little building project I have planned for storage in here. Stay tuned!
By the way, I am one of four sisters (and two brothers) and I find them a great source of idea's when I need help. Never be afraid to use ALL your resources:-)
Join me tomorrow for We Can Do It Cheaper!!

The floor looks GREAT!! Thanks for the idea - I may be able to use that!
That is so cool! I can't wait to see it all done!!
All I can say is "Wow!" That looks just like real brick!
That is amazing! I can't believe that is paint, you did a fabulous job! Can't wait to see it all finished!
Take care
That turned out so cute! Will be fun to see in person. Great job!!!
Very, very nice!!! I wish I had a pool to jump into on this scorcher! ;)Alyssa
Wow Jill, this turned out sooo great. I love the rustic, tumbled brick feel. I also love your desk makeover in the previous post. There are probably tonnes of old desks like that just lying around (or in landfill by now unfortunately). Most people wouldn't think it could look so good with a bit of love and imagination!
hi,this is too funny! yrs ago did a brick floor in my closet sized laundry room with bricks made from torn pieces of brown paper bags . also in my present house painted a flagstone floor using patio paints this has lasted about 10 yrs. added moss in the cracks it turned out so realistic my husband thought it was uneven ;)
That looks amazing, I love it, I may try that in my basement.
Did you just stamp it on, no wiping. I can't get over how good it looks.
I love it! It looks really great.
I just stamped it with the sponge. I did kinda squish the sponge around and I also went back over some of the bricks that I had done toward then end since my sponge was not the sponge it was at first:-)
it looks fab!
did you precoat your floor before stamping it with the red paint underneath with anything? just curious.
coming from nester's tumblr.
beautiful job. would love to do something like this on our outdoor porch.
Love it!
☺ Celeste
Ooh, I love this! I am trying to think of something I can brick stamp--maybe our garage floor!
Coolest. Thing. Ever. !!!
I just linked this over to my blog today, I hope thats ok. Its such a fabulous idea and technique!
LOVE it. so glad I found you over at The Nester's!
Happy New follower!
I absoluely love this treatment and may be borrowing it for my house. Did you top it off with poly or some protective coating?
Could you do this design on a wooden porch as well??? I think this is awesome, but I have a wooden farm house porch. Thank you.
Could you do this design on a wooden porch as well??? I think this is awesome, but I have a wooden farm house porch. Thank you.
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