Well I do.
They have so many great things. Here is one of them...

Pottery Barn
Aren't they cute?
You could fill them with so many things, in so many rooms.
So how would you feel about having some of your own?
In keeping with my Thursday theme of "We Can Do It Cheaper", I'm doing a giveaway.
So now is your chance to have some almost just like them.

I can't find them on Pottery Barn's website anymore, but I found some on Ebay for $69.99.

Though etiquette tells us never to let one know the price spent on a gift... well, that ain't the we way we roll on with We Can Do It Cheaper. I spent $6 on jars (half off at Hobby Lobby) and $1.99 on enamel paint.

Because I didn't want to spend more money on stencils, I did the numbers freehand, then scratched through them with my fingernail.

To throw your name in the hat to win these numbered jars then all you need to do is...
1) Leave a comment to be entered 1 time
2) Let me know if you're a follower to be entered 2 times
3) Add a link about my giveaway on your blog to enter a 3rd time (and of course let me know that you did!)
The drawing will close next Thursday, March 18 at 11:59 PM Central Time and a Winner will be announced on Friday, March 19th.
NOTE:this drawing is only for the 3 jars, you cannot have my flour or spatulas, I might use them someday...:-)
Thank you Misty, The Gress Family, Ashley and my cute friend Blair for posting about my giveaway on their blogs!!

And last but certainly not least, please link up with your own We Can Do It Cheaper project. I would love to see what you have done! There is nothing that lights a fire more than getting inspiration from others.
Be sure to just link your We Can Do It Cheaper project and not the link to your blog.

Those are adorable, Jill!
I am a new follower...saw your name over at Mrs. Limestone's, nice to meet you :)
Pls put my name in the hat....those are so cute !!!
Kathy :)
These are adorable! I'd love to win them!
Hi Jill!
I'm a new follower! :) oh and a close neighbor! :)
You are very talented my friend! think you stole all of the talent from our side of the family and left me with none :( since you live so close sharing your talent would be nice of you! :) lol
Anyway great work!
I love, love, love these!
These are awesome! Love them!
I am now a follower! :)
Ohhhh, I love those!
I love the numbered jars from PB, too! These would be great for my craft room!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I am now a follower as well!
I'd love to win these adorable jars!
sooooooo cute!!!!!! Would love to have these!!
Adorable! I love them! Great work on the DIY aspects, I love making something just as nice for WAY less!
wow! love it! great job at doing it cheaper!
I so love the "we can do it cheaper" theme! I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on and see if I can come up with something =)
how clever! love them!!!
Like you I LOVE Pottery Barn. I frequent the store and website...only to day dream. I really enjoy your "we can do it cheaper". The number containers are adorable! I can think of a million items to fill them with. I am a new follower and I am adding your post to my blog...www.thegressfamily.blogspot.com
What a great idea! I have a many bottles that I am going to do! Thanks for the tips!!!
girl, these are cute and I like what you have done. you know I am a follower and very interested in your "We Can Do It Cheaper Theme". I do not need these, but love them! Will post a link on my blog to interest others in your site, but with only 4 followers (you being one, that may not generate much yet)...it probably not thru MckLinky because I know nothing about that. :)
So cute! I'd use them to hold beads.
I follow you on Google!
First comment :) LOVE THIS IDEA!
Wow is really my sister??? These are very very adorable!! I need them very badly for sure you should pick me!!
Very cute!!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog so I could discover yours. It's great and I'm going to be a follower as soon as I finish this comment! I'm going to find a post of mine to add to your Linky party. Thanks for hosting it!
Oh, you are a girl after my own little tightwad heart with all this make it cheaper business! I simply could not deal with the face that PB wanted ANY money from me for something I could so easily do myself if I were so inclined. They're a great source for DIY ideas like this though, as you so deftly demonstrated!
Love these jars - so cute. cneaglefan at hotmail dot com
Love them
carolinejaco at gmail dot com
These are cute
Wow, those canisters are super cute!!
What cute storage jars! I would love my name to be dropped in the hat for these please!!
Thank you so much for stopping by Meet Virginia!! I am so in love with your jars I can't believe you free handed the numbers! You are amazing!!! I am sure this won't be last time seeing me ;)! I hope its not the last time I see you either come back real soon!
I just found your blog today and became a follower...would love a chance to win the cute jars.
LOVE the jars - have to have them!!! Thanks for the chance :)
I am a new follower #1
I just found you and am a new follower #2
I just discovered your blog! Thanks for the chance to win these jars!
Oh, and I'm a follower and I linked my followers (the humble few that I have) to your blog :)
Those are adorable and you made them so inexpensively! awesome.
Oh, and I'm a follower :)
cute jars jill.
if i win just bring them to tenn. =)
and i'm following now too! have been for a while but now i guess it's official.
I almost missed this! Great idea!
I'm a follower too
I love this idea!! So crafty--reat photos too!
I'm a follower too! #1!
I follow #2!! Thanks!
I would love to win these! I am impressed that you did those number free-hand!!!
thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com
I am a blog follower!!
thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com
You DID NOT free-hand those numbers! I'm way, super impressed. Love the jars. You rock!!
PS - Just call me your newest follower. :)
I love these! I love finding things at PB and making our own for Cheap, such a great feeling :)
I'm a follower of your awesome blog!! Sorry, no projects to link up this week. Take care-
Oh, I'm a long time follower of this wonderful blog!
Wow! You did a great job, Jillian! I love the Pottery Barn look for less!
And, I am a follower! :)
I love love those! They would look so cute in my kitchen or office. I just stumbled here. Great blog!
SO fun! Thanks for sharing! -jenni
Those are cute, and would go perfect in my scrapbooking room!
These are adorable, and would be perfect in my kitchen!! Crossing fingers!!
Those are so awesome! I think I need those!
I am a follower too!!
Love the jars, Jill!
I'm a follower!
I also follow Privately.
I'm a follower!
Cute jars, Jill! Great addition to any kitchen or pantry!
Love 'em! If I don't win, I may have to try making my own!
Oh, and I follow you, too. ;)
Thrifty solution!!
Totally following!
Does tweeting count? @whisperwood
I love these and thanks for the chance to win them!
Kat :)
I LOVE these! As a jar junkie, I can think of a lot of great stuff to store these in...
I found you through the fab Whisper Wood Cottage and am now a follower!
Kat :)
You're so talented! I'd love to gift these jars to my daughter, and I know she'd love them. Thanks!
so cute, Jill! We are very impressed.
I can't believe you free-handed those! They are absolutely delightful.
I love the jars! What a fun look!
Love these! What a great tip!
Visiting for the first time from Sassy Sites!
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