
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Winner and Some Great Looking Stuff!

The winner of the vinyl giveaway is Ellen from Creative Passage. Congratulations Ellen. Any of you who are in the need of a vinyl or two, stop by ACJInspirations and go shopping! She does a great job!

On to other great stuff. I mentioned before that we met some great people at Antique Alley. Just down the isle from us on the corner was a booth that caught all of our attention right away. In fact, one of my friends bought a highchair from them while we were all still setting up. They had the most AMAZING booth and the neatest stuff, plus the fact that they where a great buch of people. We all ended up with a few items from each others booths by the end of the show (more on that).

These are just a small portion of the pictures I took of their booth. I was like a booth stalker.
Everytime they turned around, there I was.
I did finally buy some stuff though.

I got the most amazing (have I used that word before?), chippy table from them. I'll show you soon!

They had a TON of these old wooden spools starting out, they were snatched up like cupcakes on clearance so that just a few remained. A couple of them made it home in my van though (yes I paid for them. They just didn't "hide" in my pockets right)

They will be back to Antique Alley in the spring. Same spot and all! I can't wait to go stalk see them.



  1. ~*LOVE all the neat items they had and cant wait to see your new table! Thanks for the eye candy!~**~Rachel ;)

  2. Wonderful things at this spot, the spools are so charming (honey-spools??) and the little shabby cabinet is to dream of!

  3. Sigh, I'm wishing I was there! Sis got some great items too! That booth looks like it was amazing! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Such eye candy. Are you going to Round Top?

  5. I am so excited..I won! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
    The antique shopping looks awesome too!

  6. That was my favorite booth also! I bought the red stools that you have pictured above. They were a fun bunch to talk to. Can't wait to see what they have in the spring!

    P.S. Your booth was pretty awesome to. You guys did a great job of setting it up and making it look really appealing and welcoming.

  7. Love the spools! I just saw a great way to make them on another blog. Super cute!


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