
Monday, September 20, 2010

Antique Alley Day 2 & 3.. Ahhh Much Better!

So I kinda left you all hanging in my state of depression there. Sorry:-(
Good news though! Saturday was much, much better and we even got some business Sunday despite the Cowboys game. The best part of the whole time though was that we met some really great people! We made a lot of contacts, passed out a lot of "business cards" (our info was hastily written on some price cards)! Some of you readers even stopped by! I was especially glad to meet Gina from this lovely blog. Gina is the one that inspired me to try making signs, so I owe her a big thank you! She also bought one of my numbered stools (click over to her site and see her project room reveal, with my humble stool in it)!

Ready for some pictures? Today I will just share some shots I took of our booth. Come back tomorrow and see some pictures of what we called "our favorite booth". We all came home with a souvenir from their booth;-)

Remember, I did this with two other friends, so a lot of the great stuff you see is theirs!

One of my friends is a photographer, and she and her husband took these pictures and made these amazing frames! You can find their blog here.

Remeber seeing this desk before? I redid it and it turned out really nice. Unfortunitly it is once more sitting in our garage, waiting to be listed on Craigslist.
The other couple that did this show with us made decor and furniture. He is a cabinet builder and made some really, really beautiful furniture for the show as well as these "EAT" letters above.

So anyway, though we probably won't be doing that show again we may try a different one someday. We will always go back to shop at Antique Alley though!!!

This is the last day to enter my vinyl giveaway, so if you have yet to do that, then go ahead!


  1. HI! Bice to meet you!
    Everything looks gorgeous! And I especially love the desk and picture beautiful.. :)

    Deborah :)
    Come and visit!

  2. Everything looks better the day after a show. Especially if you sold some things! Wonderful things! We did a show in Roseville yesterday and I have so many ideas running through my head for the next one. Look forward to seeing you and talking it over.

  3. It was fun to meet you too and I had a good time at Antique Alley. We'll go back again. Have you ever considered the flea market that is held almost every weekend at Will Rogers (one of the barns maybe) in Ft. Worth? I have a co-worker that has a booth there each weekend and loves it. I haven't been there myself but plan on going one of these weekends. Glad the weekend overall was successful (and wish I had a place for that desk headed to Craigslist!)

  4. i"ll be watching were you are next. Didn't realize you are a Texas gal. I just assumed... Virginia. Love your stuff, so glad Gina got your stool.

  5. I love your booth!! I just love the stools and desk! I wish I was closer! I am so glad that business picked up for you!

  6. I would have LOVED to have come seen your booth...and I am sure I would have bought something, at least one or two or three things! :) That is exactly why I didn' is not the same when you are jobless. Keep up the lovely work...and someday, when I am making money again, I will come shop.


I love to hear from you! Without your comments then this would just be a diary! Keep them coming before I start writing about my first crush...