
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Up For The Pinterest Challenge!

I do well with goals and challenges.
Not sure why, but once I set my mind to meet the challenge then it's full steam head!

I decided to answer the call from Young House Love (and a few others) for their Pinterest Challenge!

I have had this pinned since my pinning days began.

Cute eh?

So I got busy...
I actually love to sew.
I HATE the mess I make though!
This little bunny was quick and easy though and she was up and hopping in about 30 minutes.

My boys were smitten even though she is girly.
They now think I can make any animal.

I think she will leave us soon though.
They don't like her that much:-)

It was fun to meet the challenge and feel a bit of success!

I will also be answering this challenge.
Dude, I've got a million "cinch" projects!

Be back later with a pool update.
Nothing much to show but we don't want to leave out a detail!
Well maybe a few.



  1. How cute! You did a great job. I'm waitlisted for a Pinterest account...can't wait to get started. Sounds like a great challenge. If I had to choose something to make from all the pics I've saved off the web, it would be a triple-ruffle tablecloth, methinks. BTW, thanks for your link over on the right to the Barn Sale in Frederick this weekend.

  2. So cute!!! I'm definitely going to make some of these for my son and nieces to go in their Easter baskets :)


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