
Monday, September 24, 2012

NO SEW! Front Door Decor

I'm sad to say that I procrastinated about doing this forever.
I try to avoid getting my sewing machine out.
Because of that I have avoided doing this project for a few months.
I finally decided that instead of avoiding then why not just do it "no sew"!
Let's get right to it then.
You will need:
1. Fabric
2. Freezer Paper
3. A dowel rod
4. Paint
5. Hot glue
6. Twine or Ribbon

I did a simple design on my computer and printed it out.
(I use this program to design everything)
Then I lay my freezer paper over it and traced it with a pencil.
Use a razor or exacto knife to cut your stencil.
Remember that you are using the inside of the stencil and not the pieces you cut out so be very careful as you cut!
Ignore the stained rug and the toes peeking out and move forward...
Cut out your burlap and iron smooth.
Fold over your edges and iron them, then hot glue them down.
Center your freezer paper stencil on the burlap and iron on good.
Make sure you get all the tiny, pointy pieces ironed in the correct positions.
Blot on your paint.
Try not to brush it on since this may result in pushing paint under the edges of the stencil.
Wrap the burlap (or whatever fabric you chose) around your dowel rod.
Yes, I stained my dowel rod.
I'm fancy like that.
Glue the bajeebers out of it.
Go ahead and wrap some twine or ribbon around the dowel rod now.
Good job.
You should have something like this now...
I'm not a Fall person.
I'm strictly a Spring & Summer person.
I'm trying to embrace it though.
 This is me.
Embracing it.


  1. Heya :) I love your flag, simple but sooo very chic! Could you please recommend a substitute for freezer paper? - I cannot find it anywhere in here.
    Thank you very much, Diana

  2. Very cute! I'm making one for my door! Thanks! :)

  3. You embraced it wonderfully! I think it turned out great. It's hard to embrace it here in FL when everything is so NOT fall like.

  4. What program do you use to design?


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