
Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday our little Lee celebrated his 1st birthday.
It's amazing how fast a year goes by.

It's amazing how busy adding a third child can make you.

I had fun keeping it simple for his birthday.
I did try out some new cupcakes for the event.
Angel food cake, strawberry cream filled withe cream cheese icing.

The cake "flags" were simply designed, printed, cut and glued to some scrapbook paper.

Now one might assume that the above photo is me with icing on my hands.
One would be wrong.
It's caulk.
I'm taking a wee break from sign painting to indulge myself with a little house sprucing.


  1. Wow, a year already! oh, don't lick your fingers.

  2. Love the caulk fingers. I need to do that too.

  3. Happy birthday Lee! they really do grow up too fast! Looks like lots of fun.

  4. He is SOOOOO cute! He is just a beautiful child- Happy birthday, Lee!

    I hope the caulk was water soluble. xo Diana


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