
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Introducing J.T. Wilton {or rather, a new sign}

When I was in Virginia last time I took some time to dig around at my parents house for anything they would be willing to part with.
My mom is one of those women that has done a little of everything, does do a little of everything and will do a little of everything in her lifetime.
(I am will be just like her when I grow up)
One of those "things" she picks up is some cool pieces of furniture and such at local places and auctions.
You can see a few treasures in her Etsy store.
(Keep checking her store cause she's holding out on you people. She has some AWESOME old stuff to sell!)

Anyway, to make a long story even longer...
I dug around outside and I found this old table top laying under some leaves.
I grabbed it with haste.

It's taken me a few months but J.T. Wilton is ready to shine.
In an old and weathered kind of way that is.

Will I keep J.T?
No, I will not.
Email me if you're interested in him.
Big stuff is getting ready to happen around here.
We are having our pool redone starting this week!

Do we want to do this?
It just so happens that we have to do this though and it goes hand in hand with fixing our family room flooding problem.
I will keep you posted with pictures.
(as well as the photos of us eating beans and Ramen noodles.heh)

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this lovely new back splash.
I put the rest of the leftover cuts from planking our living room to good use too.
Will reveal that soon!



  1. Love the sign, love the backsplash. Can't wait for the details. I, too, love to thrift at my parents house! Thanks for sharing, liz

  2. I love the new sign. What a cool thing to paint it on. How lucky to search through your mom's treasures!! :) Love the backsplash too. ;)

  3. Re: the pool. I'm sure the beans and ramen noodles will be a distant memory come this summer when it's blazing outside and you're luxuriating in a newly redone pool. How fun!


I love to hear from you! Without your comments then this would just be a diary! Keep them coming before I start writing about my first crush...