
Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Anyone seen any Allstate commercials or signs?

When Mayhem strikes they are they for you!
Please excuse the cell phone pic. Oh, right. Flooded room. Who cares.
We don't have Allstate.
Or foundation insurance.
Stinks for us.
When we bought this house 2 years ago then there was no disclosure about flooding.
Our family room flooded 3 times within 3 months of moving in.
It has to be a lot of rain, which we got last night.
So now we need french drains put in around our house.
I love Mayhem (yuck).
To bad it has to hit us right in the pocketbook.

Trying to look on the bright side...
My family room floor gets a complete cleaning!
Probably won't matter after we tear up all the baseboards though:-(
Perhaps the walls will need some planking.
Just a thought.



  1. Oh no, you poor thing:( My daughter and her family had to live with us 3 times last year from flooding. It is really horrible. We had to repaint and replace floors. Sending you prayers and hugs. Hang in there.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Mrs Noah, Is there anyway you can purchase flood insurance for the coming times?

  3. what a bummer! That is definitely no fun! As we found out, flood insurance is NOT cheap. In your case it might be worht it, in ours not so much. We are in a 300 year flood plane, that has never flooded. Oh well.
    Hope you mess got cleaned up quick and it doesn't happen again till you get your drains!

  4. what a bummer! That is definitely no fun! As we found out, flood insurance is NOT cheap. In your case it might be worht it, in ours not so much. We are in a 300 year flood plane, that has never flooded. Oh well.
    Hope you mess got cleaned up quick and it doesn't happen again till you get your drains!

  5. Mayhem needs to be run out of town.
    What a mess when everything is wet and soggy...I'm glad you are seeing the bright side!;)
    Hope it all turns out well,


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