
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Evolution Of A Sign

I was so excited when one of my readers contacted me about painting a very special sign.

Below: 4 steps of a 5 step painting process
(There are actually 4 previous steps as well)
1. First coat. (mistake of using some trial colors)
2. After 3 coats of red.
3. The details all added.
4. Sanded and ready for glazing.

Her husbands family founded this company in 1950 (duh) then sold it a few years ago.

Ummm, I already was well acquainted with Edwards Pies.
All my dreams have their Key lime pie in them.

I had a lot of fun painting this sign.
It's bright and vibrant and full of life!

I wish I had an actual pie to eat use in this photo shoot.

Had to make do with some apples.

She wanted the Fish symbol incorporated into the sign as a testament to his grandparents ministry.
It looks right at home there on the server.
And how appropriate.
The Server.

This is another big sign.
 It is 4 feet x 2 feet with wood trim border on it.
They never look that big in photo's.

Thank you to them for giving me the opportunity to paint such a meaningful sign!
I hope the Edwards family is as happy with their new sign as I am with their pies;-)



  1. Your signs just keep getting better and better. I think you've outdone yourself with this one. It's lovely.

  2. The sign is awesome. As far as size goes, have one of the boys in the picture to give it perspective (just a thought)

  3. That sign is very special, great job!

  4. Once again, an amazing sign! I want to be you when I grow up. :)

  5. Looks great! The pie sounds wonderful too! I love key lime!


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