
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sign Up! {Part 2}

I continue my signage adventure with a sign I had been wanting to try out for a while.

I was going for an old rusty metal look.
The unfortunate thing is that after I took these photo's I worked on the "rust" some more and it looked better.
But.... I forgot to take any more pictures before I sent it off.

I did like how it turned out, but it's one of those love or hate things.
It looks dirty, worn and old but full of memories of the old drug store it once advertised for...

It let the little boy with overalls and a mess of red hair know that it was time to come in and spend his hard earned nickle.
It let the pretty lady in the smart hat, high heels and clutch know that she was welcome to stop by and purchase the parfume she had been eyeing.
It let the hardworking Joe know that it was the perfect time to stop by and take a long break with an icecream soda that would erase all the worries of the day.


So if you like dirty, worn and old then you might like it:-)

I do.

See this sign soon at Classic Furniture in Charlottesville, VA.


  1. Hmm, don't take another job, this seems to be made for you. Love the signs, keep them coming.

  2. that is AWESOME! it looks genuinely old! by the way, i saw your houzz feature the other day- woo hoo!

  3. This might be my favorite one! I thought it was an actual old sign when I first saw it and you were going to tell a great story about where you found it. Great job!

  4. Hmm, is it possible to special order one just like it? I'll have to give you a jingle or drop you an e-mail. Love it!!!

  5. LOVE your signs! You have done a great job at making them look aged!


I love to hear from you! Without your comments then this would just be a diary! Keep them coming before I start writing about my first crush...