
Monday, October 3, 2011

Freezer Paper. My New Best Friend

Freezer Paper is cool.
Get it?
Never mind.
I am a cheap, penny pinching scrooge and I love coming across ways to feed that side of me.
I love coming across frugal ways to make my boys new clothes and they L.O.V.E. it when I make stuff for them!
For real.
My middle son gets lots of hand-me-downs, so when he gets anything "new" it's like his birthday.
 He thanks me over and over!
Anyway, the two older ones think it's nifty when mom gets thrifty... so I try to please them:-)

Our family kinda likes Browning.
 No offense to anyone, but we all hunt so bucks are rock'n in our house.
Hence the shirts I made for them.

It's been a while since they posed for a photo. Bad Mommy.

Ummm, the shirt was a hand-me-down. It's just like new now though! Poor Jack.

I learned all sorts of great tips from here. She even has a great video on it.

I used this method to create the whale onesie for my new little niece or nephew.
Even though it didn't turn out quite as I hoped (I was too cheap to buy the matte fabric paints...)
I was still semi happy with it.

The moral of this story is:
I'm really liking this stuff.


  1. adorable! i have heard so much about it but haven't used it. i am hoping once i am unpacked i can make more time for crafts again! i need to remember this.

  2. I have looked everywhere for freezer paper...where did you find it? Since you hunt, you must have a source. Guess I'll order online. Cute stuff for the little ones! Love the pics...cuties! Makes me miss my boys. : )


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