
Friday, September 16, 2011

Three Cheers For Miss Mustard Seed!

When I first started blogging then I had a few "blogging idols" if I may.

Number one was of course, The Lettered Cottage. Layla and Kevin have a way with decorating that steals my breath away and makes me want to be a kleptomaniac. Everything they do is just yum.

As I explored the blogging world more, there was an up and coming blog that often caught my eye called Miss Mustard Seed.

As time has gone by I have found Marian to be a valuable source of information.
She was my first stop when I went hunting for an art projector to help take my signs to the next level.
When it was time to slipcover this chair, where do you think I went?
Yup, she has a great video tutorial on slip covering.

So a big old shout out to her and a HUGE thank you for featuring my chair on Furniture Feature Friday.


  1. Congrats on the feature. Those are two of my group of first favourites too. They are so amazingly talented.

  2. Fun. I was reading Miss Mustard Seed's blog and came across your chair. Congrats! Small world.

  3. Congratulations!! I ♥ Miss Mustard Seed's blog, been following her for quite sometime and now I am your newest follower! I came over from the Vintage Bricoleur who I met in person yesterday at Mes Amis!!!

    I am off to visit your Etsy shops. I look forward to reading your blog, going to catch up on your previous posts!


  4. I love MMS too. Congrats on the feature! So happy I've found your blog :)


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