
Friday, September 9, 2011

Carrington Farms Sign & Where All These Signs Are Headed!

Here is the total reveal of my "CARRINGTON FARMS" sign that I showed you a small glance of the other day.

This sign was hard to photograph because I really had no good place to hang it.

It's pretty large too. It is 2 feet by 4 feet. I can picture it in a huge, white living room with plank walls and ceilings. In my mind it looks gorgeous.

In my mind...

In my mind this sign has been sitting in an old barn for the last 40 years. At one time it proudly stood at the end of a lane leading to its stately namesake. Horses grazed in the rolling hills around, a white fence adding to the restfulness of the scene.
As the years went by and owners came and went, the sign was replaced and the old one stashed away. It has been recently found and dusted off, ready to be restored to its former glory in your home. Reminding you of days gone by.

I wish the pictures had turned out better, but you get the point.

In case you are wondering where all these signs are going, and in case you live in Virginia...
You can find them very soon at Classic Furniture in Charlottesville, VA.
Check them out on Facebook.

As always, your feedback is appreciated. I am still honing and toning different ways of aging and so I like to hear what you think. Does it look old or just really "faux" old?

Here is one more smaller one I did a few weeks back. Would look lovely in a water closet, Loo, or good old bathroom. Oh wait, I guess those are all the same huh.
Yes, that is French. I can spell a little bit Mom.

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Looks old to me! I'd love to hear more about the techniques you use!

  2. I love them! I like the "In my mind" story. The other sign could go in a "Washroom" as they say in NFLD, Canada! Terry

  3. Yupp, looks old.
    You fooled me.

    Have a great weekend!


  4. I love the french sign! So pretty!

  5. Looks good Jill. I would say it looks old. Great job. I assume you are sending them to Classic Furniture to sell so good luck with that!

  6. I am from Charlottesville!! Nice to find a fellow blogger on here from my home town :) Love your horse sign. My husbands family owned a very large horse farm out in Orange County years ago,but they have since sold it. I have their orginal sign from the farm hainging in my kitchen. :)
    Take care!

  7. Do you ever go to Great Harvest Bread. A food blogger owns it with her husband ( Kath Eats Real Food ).Love the signs.

  8. I think you're mastering it quite nicely. They look great!

  9. I actually forgot you had made it and thought it was a sign you found! Looks really authentic to me.

  10. i love your signs...i from charlottesville va, and i work down the street from classic furniture, i'm gunna have to take a trip and check out your signs. Mariah


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