
Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Garden Party

I shared the other day that I had attended a small Garden Party hosted by two of my friends.

It was a beautiful day and the girls had done a wonderful job making it so special for the rest of us.
We each brought a gift that was either handmade or second hand. I brought home that primitive wood votive holder, potted with succulents.
We also each brought a salad or dip to add to some sandwiches they had made. The food was amazing of course and the desert added pounds to my weigh in at the doctors this week;-)
Thanks to the girls who hosted! It was a great time!

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Yum... put me on the invite list for next time :>)

  2. And... we want more pictures of what they made

  3. That sounds (and looks!) like so much fun!

    Jamie @

  4. What a fun idea! Sounds like it was a great party! Thanks for sharing.


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