
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bringing Back We Can Do It Cheaper!

So I've been a little lax in coming back to this subject... but here we go.

Due to my increasingly busy schedule (I don't see it slowing down anytime soon) then I have decided to make We Can Do It Cheaper a monthly thing.


It is going to be specifically for projects that have been copied lovingly recreated from one of your favorite stores/catalogs etc.
Image Pottery Barn
Like this sign from PB....
Image Pottery Barn
a friend of mine recently did her own and it turned out fabulous!
Maybe you don't have a project but you've achieved a very close look to something you saw from somewhere.
Image Ballard Designs
That works too! Just be sure to show us the picture you're copying of course.

So when will this link party be? The first Thursday of every month. So the next one will be March 3rd.

Get your projects ready because we're going to kick off this one with a prize for the winner of the best copied look or project!

The Virginia House

Can't wait to see you then!

1 comment:

I love to hear from you! Without your comments then this would just be a diary! Keep them coming before I start writing about my first crush...