
Monday, November 1, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately about my house. Looking around and seeing all the things I want to do, all the things I need to do. Wishing I had another window in my living room to let more light in. Wishing that I had hard wood floors instead of dirty, stained carpet. Really wishing that we didn't have a leak in our family room that surprises us with every few hard rains. So many things...
Last night I was laying in bed praying. Thanking the Lord for sending his son to die on the cross for me. Sending his only son. I started to think about sending one of our precious sons to die an awful death for all the dirty sinners of the world like me. It makes it so real. My sons.
I have so much to be thankful for. The leaks, the carpet, the paint... it doesn't matter.

I can hear my sons playing together in the next room (sitting on the dirty carpet).
I am content.



  1. Beautiful post! I know we all get caught up in the world of material things, things that we don't need but would like, and that is ok but it is important to sit down and think of all the wonderful things that matter, that were just given to us at no charge. Thank the Lord for our friends and family! :)

  2. What a blessing this post is. Thank you!

  3. Hi Jill,
    It's so great that you get it. Things don't really matter. Those precious boys do. LM

  4. Great post! I know I get so caught up in everything that when I finally have some quiet time to reflect I feel so guilty for not realizing what's truly important. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with "contentment issues" sometimes!!

  5. How true Gillian, we do get so caught up in what we want/need to do that we forget the most important thing- Thanks for the reminder!
    I have 5 sons and I would hate for any of them to die on the cross for my sins, let alone my only son as the Lord did.

  6. That is super sweet Jill. I have been thinking alot about things like that recently. We have SO much and we don't realise it. I need to be more happy with what I have.:)

  7. Thanks for the reminder Jillian, it is always needed. I was laying in bed Sunday morning, listening the patter of T's feet as she came down to our room, she climbed in bed with us, just like she did on Saturday, and just grinned. It made me so thankful to have her, and so glad we could share the time, even if it did make us a bit late to meeting. I just realized, I didn't actually thank God for the time, I was just thankful in general. I know that happens more than it should. Thanks for reminder to actually thank the Lord for those times.

  8. funny you should do a post on this. I too have been thinking about contentment when it comes to my home. We recently moved and I would like to buy new curtains for our main living area because the ones the previous owner left behind don't match our style. I just want everything to be done and look nice. But in reality, it all really doesn't matter. I am thankful we have a roof over our head, clothes on our back and food to eat. I really shouldn't be worried about whether the curtains match our style of furniture in the grand scheme of things.
    Great post.
    I am still learning to be thankful and content in where I am.

  9. Jill,
    I am so thankful for YOU! I don't need anything more than what I have in my wonderful children, husband, Christian family and as you said, what the Lord has done for me!

  10. I love this post and it's so true. By the way, Congratulations on winning the giveaway at The Painted Hive. That's awesome!

  11. Thank you Jill. This was a blessing!

  12. ~*Truly beautiful post Jill~*So true too!! Hugs~ Rachel~*~

  13. thanks for the reminder jillian. I get so caught up in the hussle and bussle of life that I forget to be thankful for the little things and for the huge sacrifirce that was made on the cross. Thanks

  14. Thank you for sharing your heart thoughts. So many times we want to appear (at least I do) to have everything all together. I needed this reminder today. Thanks

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