
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gitter Done Challenge - My Etsy Store!

FJI's Gitter Done! challenge

Do you hear angels singing?

Thank you to Funky Junk Interiors for once more hosting a great link party!! As soon as Donna announced that she was going to make this a monthly thing, I jumped up and got to work! I've wanted to get my Etsy store up and running for months (and months) now but lacked the proverbial kick in the tail. "Gitter Done" was my kick and I am open for business!

I have many more items to list, but need just a leeetle more time.

All my items are either hand made or something I have bought and redone.

See something you like but want a different color, size or picture?

I do custom orders too. Just let me know what you want and I'll make it just for you. Doing it all through Etsy makes it safe and easy for us both.

Be sure to stop in and look around.

Let me know what you think. I'm biting my nails...

I'll be doing a GRAND OPENING giveaway from my store soon, so make sure you come back!

Thanks again to Funky Junk for the inspiration to Gitter Done!


  1. Congrats Jillian! I hope you have much success! I love your distressed items! My own Etsy is something I dream of too. Now to find the time. :P

    Thanks for linking up to GD2!


  2. Love the Etsy store Jill! Hope it does really well for you, I am looking forward to seeing the rest of it too!! I love those little birdies on the line, just might have to have that one for my room, first though I have to convince the hubby. Hmmm.....

  3. Good 4 you! Yay! Can't wait to look at your items.
    Alyssa :)Boston Bee

  4. Congratulations on the feature and getting your store online! I'm working to open mine too, from taking pictures to listing the items it's a pain! All of your stuff is beautiful! Good luck!

  5. Love the store! Your stuff is so cool and beautiful.

  6. How exciting Jillian! Love your Esty shop! I can see that you are going to get me in trouble...

    ~ Tracy

  7. Love all your store items, Jillian! Good luck on the store endeavor. I am a big etsy shopper and I'll keep my eye open for your stuff! -Karen

  8. I absolutely love the tray. i just might need that for my coffee table!!
    gorgeous stuff...

  9. Love that tray!!! Hmmmmm I see I'm not the only one :) Good luck to you, I'm so happy for you!

  10. Wow, your stuff is uber sensational.
    You go girl

  11. What a coincidence...I just opened my etsy store too! I hope you do really well. You have some very cute things.

  12. Way to go, Jillian! I've had my Etsy store for months now, but have yet to set it up and put things in it.

    Doing shows, in addition to everything else I've got going on, has put that on hold. I'll come check yours out though.

    I've got two linky parties going on. Come join the fun this week.

    Hope to see you there!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  13. Congrats on your opening! You have some great stuff. I would love to open one myself one day. Got to put that on my to do list!

  14. It looks great!! I just love Etsy and the opportunities there are with it! Good luck to you. :)

  15. Wow Jill!!! Congrats on your new store! I know that was a lot of work. I love all your stuff. I wasn't surprised when I looked at your new store that you had already sold something! Way to go!!!


  16. All my best to you!!!!!

    Your items are simply beautiful!!!

    Found you from FJI!!!!



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