
Friday, April 23, 2010

Thank You To My Readers

Hey all, I wanted to share an email I got recently from one of you.

Hello I wanted to take the time to write you just to let you know that I have been transformed by a few things on your blog, or should I say my house has. Let me just first write that I found your blog on Rate My Space when I was looking for ideas to re-do our master bedroom. I am a housewife with 3 little ones under 5 so I wanted a retreat like space to unwind to at the end of a long day :) I have followed your blog for about 3 months and let me tell you I love all the blogs I have since found but I check yours every day, so it was only fitting that I thank you for sharing with us fans all your wonderful decorating-diy tips. I do not not call myself orgazinzed in any way but now I am on a quest to become orgazined and to take time with DIY projects that I never thought I could tackle. I have saved quite a bit of money these couple months alone in doing alot myself for the master bedroom and our garage turned family room. My husband even wonders what has come over me, lol. Well keep up your awesome blog and GL on your pool house:)

A housewife in Northern California

You have no idea how much it meant to me to receive this! When I first started blogging then like many others it was just to kind of "document" my re-do journey. As I continued though and more people started to actually look at my blog then my main goal shifted. I want normal people with normal homes to know that they can not only turn their homes into something great, but they can do it on a small budget. I live in a very normal brick house with normal carpet and tile. There is nothing extraordinary about it and that's why I love it. I actually only have 7 windows and two glass doors in our whole house!
Our Kitchen Before We Moved In...(Ugh to me)

Now don't get me wrong, my dream house has long, airy porches, floor to ceiling windows covering the 10 foot walls and wood floors throughout the house. You should see it! Oh, Look Here's A Picture Of It!!

Anyway, THANK YOU for reading, following, commenting and emailing me! I love hearing from each of you.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway and you can still link up your projects for this weeks We Can Do It Cheaper!



  1. So sweet! ;) I just started blogging and I have gotten so many ideas! I, too, share the love ;) Funny, but that bath room is just like the one I want. After a game of eenie, meenie minnie mo I'm sure we'll figure it out ;)lol! Take care! (Still crossing everything for that sailboat!) Alyssa

  2. That is so nice, don't you love getting messages like that! Makes your day, you deserve it!

  3. Wow! What an amazing letter. Your house is great and so is your blog. Congrats!


I love to hear from you! Without your comments then this would just be a diary! Keep them coming before I start writing about my first crush...