
Monday, April 19, 2010

The Pool House - Phase 1, 2 and 3

You know the old saying, Things always get worse before they get better....
True, all very true.

Since I am wanting to do this as cheaply as possible then I removed all the paneling from the wall, which was held up with screws.
Hmmm, this picture does not do the large pile justice. Lets just say, it took me a day and a half to remove all of them.

Then we were left with this...
A few words here, itchy, tons of mouse droppings (yes I even swallowed one) and about 10 lizard skeletons.

I then decided that I should cover the itchy in plastic since the planks would be nailed right up to the stuff and I didn't want pink, cotton candy peeking through.

So on to the next phase.... My dear husband and I took the large, dirty paneling over to our friends cabinet shop where they have an awesome table saw. He cut it all into 4 inch pieces and then it was my turn again.
Note to anyone else that tries this, if you are planning on nailing these "planks" to the studs then think it through first. Being that the pool house studs are unevenly placed and I wanted a random look to the planks then I had to do some figuring out. I eventually ended up overlapping the ends of some of them if they fell between studs and will liquid nails the ends together. (This is because I didn't want all my plank seams falling in a direct line and I didn't want to be cutting every single one. Yes it was cheating and I'll probably hate it later)
Now, nailing up an 8 foot long plank by yourself with a hammer and nail is not fun, so it took me a day to do half of a wall.
A special thank you should be inserted here: Sometimes the best presents don't come in neatly packaged boxes but rather in a white t-shirt and some worn, work pants. Thank you billions to my dear father in law for coming over and helping me for a few hours!!! My husband finished up another wall for me too, so now we are getting somewhere!

Stay tuned because hopefully the next phases will look a little better.
Maybe something like this.... (I wish!)

Happy Monday to all. Hope that your weather is prettier than ours right now!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your transformation. My pool house has drywall now, but I am eager to add some character to it. Can't wait to see your inspirations!

  2. Oh, I can't wait to see it all finished. Until then I'm enjoying watching the transformation! Have a great day!

  3. You are workin' it!!! It's going to be fabulous. I know these things. :)

  4. ooolala - i love the idea of where you are going :) can't wait to see your transformation!

  5. I am positive that it will look like that! You are amazing!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  6. You've got the vision in your head. don't lose the vision. It will get there. Might take a little time, but I think you will achieve what you are going after. Ewww, sorry to hear about swallowing some mouse droppings. Hope you have a cast iron stomach.

  7. It will look good when it is done. I can't wait for the transformation to be done. Keep up the good job. I know you can do it. GOOD LUCK! HAVE A FAB DAY!!!

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