
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Little Of This, A Little Of That

I never make homemade salsa. Never. Until today that is, and I want to thank Flower Patch Farmgirl for sharing her version of The PW's salsa. Ahhhh, I will now be a salsa maker with the best of them. Even my youngest son enjoyed double triple dipping, as you can tell by the little hand dipping into the bowl here.

My posts will remain random and sporadic as I work on our pool house. Hang in there with me and we'll all see what happens over the next few weeks. I did pick up a great idea and tip from Mustard Seed Creations on a cheap and easy way to do a faux plank wall. It actually inspired me to try and repurpose the stuff that's already in the pool house.
Look at her great makeover!

And last but not least... I'm at 99 followers!!! Thank you all so much for taking the time to see my little corner of the world and taking the plunge to become a follower. You're all so very brave;-) I can't wait to continue to share the things I do and most of all to see all the great things you all come up with!


  1. Congrats - looks like you made it to 100. I'm curious to see what you are doing in the pool house.

  2. Oh, yay! You made it to 100. Thanks so much for mentioning my wall on your blog. I can't wait to see how your pool house turns out.

  3. Love your blog, just stumbled on it. I love love your coffee table :)

  4. Yum! Salsa is one of my favorite foods, but I've never made it! Yours looks delicious! Congrats on 99 followers. How exciting!

  5. Thrills me, I tell ya. Thrills me!!!


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