
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 41
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Janice from Canadian Cottage is lucky number 6!
I just found her blog recently and fell in love with it. I love her style so much and their house looks adorable!
Look at her cute little kitchen that they redid themselves.

They just redid their master bedroom as well, so be sure to go over and drool over the new look!

Congratulations Janice and thank you to all who entered! A special thank you to CSN Stores for teaming up with me to do this giveaway as well. I had so much fun!



  1. Congratulations Janice! That kitchen is darling! I'm off to check out her blog!

    Kat :)

  2. Oh, I love her blog. Congratulations to her!

  3. Hi Jillian!
    Oh I am SO excited about this. I never win anything, this really made my day. I sent an email to my husband titled "I won something!" he said he thought I won a car or something by how excited I sounded! I can't wait to display it, I'm already thinking of all the different spots it could go. Thanks again to you and CSN for your generosity
    Take care,

  4. Hi! I am following from FF. Love your blog and all the pretty things you show. And love love love the winning kitchen. Very cute.

  5. Visiting and following from Friday Follow. So glad you joined us! Hope you’re having a great weekend thus far.

    ~ Lynn

  6. Hi There,
    I recently added a Link Party Directory to my blog site, Tools Are For Women Too!, listing just over 100 link parties. I made sure that your party was included. Here is the link Please take a look at it when you have time and link back to me somehow ,if possible. I also do a link party called Modern Craftswoman Monday. Thank you. Rory

  7. Awww, congrats to the winner! I will definitely check out her blog!

  8. Stopping by from FF. Sorry so late.

    What a lovely kitchen. Definitely my style.

    Hope to see you over at my place sometime. Come by to say hi and become a follower.


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